So, it is time to make a wreath! I made this Raffia Wreath from the Stone Gable blog last year. It was really easy and looked so festive when it was done! It transitioned nicely from early fall all the way through Thanksgiving! I didn't end up saving it because I was concerned the raffia wouldn't hold up well in storage. But this year I think I'll try saving it.
Anyway! I digress...
The instructions from Stone Gable are awesome! But, since this is my second time making this wreath, I have some additional tips to share.
You can find all the materials at your local craft store:
1 large bag of natural raffia
1 18in straw wreath (don't remove the plastic!)
~50 floral uPins
Here are my materials, ready to go! (Plus coffee. Always better to craft with coffee).
You'll see 3 bags of raffia there.... Last year, I used almost 3 bags. I ended up only needing one bag this year.... my wreath this time didn't end up as full, but I liked this year's wreath MUCH better!
I recommend doing this project outside. It can get a tad messy. But, with that being said, this wreath isn't supposed to look perfect. It needs to look untidy.
I don't use the glue gun as Stone Gable suggested. I just don't think it's necessary.
Alternate the length of the bundles you create. This will help the "messy" look that makes this wreath so great!
To start, overlap your bundles, one horizontal, then the next vertical. Pin the next bundle close-ish to the previous bundle. Once I have my first 5 or so bundles pinned down, I take my scissors, cut the loops, and check the spacing and coverage. If it looks good, keep going around the wreath! If you're noticing gaps or can see the pins, pin your bundles closer together OR make your bundles smaller. Sometimes, more loose your bundle and larger the loops, the more gaps there are.
You will be VERY fussy with it for the first few loops. Then once you get in a rhythm, you will get faster and not be as careful about being neat. This is critical!!! It looks so much better when it's messy.
Once you get all the way around the wreath, hold it up and start snipping the loops. You don't have to worry about snipping all the loops! I just randomly hacked away. I like leaving some of the loops in tack here and there. You will then want to give your wreath a hair cut :) My wreath last year was so full that it ended up looking furry... kind of weird. This year, the wreath was just about right!
You will also want to make sure you can see the center hole of the wreath! I remember last year my DrH commenting that the wreath was missing a hole, like a bad doughnut.
This wreath takes about 30 minutes to put together! You could also wire in berries, pinecones, etc. if you want some color too it. But I love the natural look since our door is so dark.
All I'm missing now is filling my new urn with some fall decor. Off to Pinterest for inspiration!
I hope it works for you!! Hurrah for Fall!