Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Biggest Decision was the Easiest!

The bomb dropped a few weeks ago…….. it was bound to happen. 

I finally let my work know that I plan on “retiring” July 31 to become a full time stay at home mom.  I actually thought it would be easier to have that conversation, but it wasn’t -  I felt guilty for leaving!  Shoot, I still feel guilty. But that is VASTLY less than my feelings of excitement!  I know how lucky I am to be able to stay at home with our soon-to-arrive baby girl!  I don’t want to waste the precious, early years of development.  Plus, let’s face it, my DrH will appreciate me being home to have dinner ready J

My company officially started accepting applications for my position, and the job is posted online.  It’s strange seeing your daily work drilled down to just a few bullet points!  But, because my job is now posted on line, the news is slowly circulating around the office, which is fun!  I’m constantly chatting with folks about how exciting it is, how lucky I am (both to be a SAHM or to just leave work), and, of course, that I’ll be missed.

I officially have less than 50 days here, and I know they will fly by.

Someone asked me recently “What was the conversation like with you and your husband about you wanting to stay home?”.  I had to truly think about that – when DID we have this conversation?  DrH and I talked about this, actually, before we were even married!  I had a conviction that is was right for me, and wanted to make sure we were both on the same page.  And we were.  So that conversation was an easy one!  We spent more time recently discussing when the actual end day would be, or before that, when were we going to start trying to have a baby.  Those conversations were also easy and smooth.  But we knew years ago that my staying home was the best decision for us.

I’ve also had the “what will you do?” conversation with several people.  Honestly, I already know I’ll be busy!  Just getting settled in to a mommy routine will be challenging.  It will also leave time for me to focus on things that are important, like friendship (having the time to take food to a sick friend!), church and family.  I have always given my personal time to volunteer, and haven’t been able to do as much as I’d like.  I’m hoping, eventually, I’ll be able to sneak that in.  Not right away, obviously!  I’m not that naïve!  But eventually.

I think what will be hard is losing out on adult interaction on a regular basis.  But I’ve got plenty of friends that are SAHMs or have flexible schedules, so I’m picturing plenty of play dates and outings.  Or stroller walks.  Whatever!  But I shouldn’t be afraid of getting completely isolated!  Only I can make myself isolated!

So T-2 months until my last working day!  August 1 will be weird……… but an exciting start to our next life chunk!

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