Sunday, April 21, 2013

I'm so ashamed....

I brag about how I'm such a "savvy" traveler.  I've been in my fair share of airports. Blah, blah, blah.

I had a flight to Boston yesterday (I know - great timing!) for a conference.  My trip to the airport was perfectly normal.  Parked on my favorite level (4), parked in my favorite row, and snagged a dynamo spot.  There wasn't really much of a security line!

I checked the monitor for my gate, checked the time, and realized I had timed my arrival perfectly!  Just enough time to use the restroom, stop at Starbucks, and get to my gate with maybe 5 minutes to spare before they start boarding.  Awesome!

While at Starbucks, over the intercom, an announcement said there was a gate change for the Delta flight to Boston.  Alright!  So off to my new gate.  I settled in, and waited.  Shoot, I even saw a teenage girl plug in her hair straightener, flip her head upside down, and start straightening...... at the gate.... it was classic!

20 minutes later - I hear my name over the loud speaker!!!  Apparently I am at the wrong gate.  My Delta flight to Boston, different from the gate change announcement, was boarded, and gosh darn, they're waiting on me! 

This has only happened to me once before.  And in my defense for that other time, my US Weekly was REALLY engrossing... I just happened to miss the boarding announcements.

Mr. Gate Ticket Scanner wasn't too amused when I walked up yesterday saying "But I heard a gate change announcement!".  He scowled and said "That was for the other Delta Boston flight.".  Now, Raleigh-Durham airport is a decent sized airport!  Plenty of flights all the time thanks to the pharmaceutical companies that have facilities in the area... but not SO many flights that there are two flights with Delta to Boston at the same time.... just doesn't seem possible.

Thankfully the rest of my flight was uneventful!  Shoot, I even got my Biscoff cookie on the plane!  Those are only served in the AM, not the afternoon!  (That's how much I travel - I know when Delta serves which snacks...)

Check out my instagram feed to see pictures from my Boston trip.  Granted, a biology conference doesn't yield the most interesting pictures, but that's my life :)

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